Years of Experience
Faraja Social Transformation Center
Faraja Social Transformation Centre (FSTC) is a capacity development arm of Faraja Foundation whose aim is to enhance individual and organizational performance through comprehensive capacity development solutions for social transformation. FSTC envisions a socio-economic and emotionally well-balanced society.
What We Offer for You
We offer different counselling services to help individuals identify and address psychosocial challenges
that hinder them from performing at teir optimal.
Our consultancy services seek to provide expert advice in different fields of proficiency where our clients
lack experience or capacity.
A quick & transparent process
We have a simple online
application process
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What our clients say about us.
A female participant who had acquired a diploma in ECDE finally recognized that she has passion for counseling and decided to pursue this line of career henceforth. She was impressed by the counselling oriented mode of training delivery.
One male participant openly shared about his struggle with alcoholism and how it has greatly affected his family. He voluntarily acknowledged that he could not quit alcohol without help and support decided to go to a rehabilitation centre. Fellow participants also vowed to offer their support to him and others.
I am a middle-aged prison officer formerly a daily drinking Officer (DDO). My life was a total mess before attending the performance for change training. The training was an eye opener for me. Today I am well equipped and informed and more aware of myself. I mind wellness a lot and I take full charge of my family unlike before. My relationship with my colleagues and others has tremendously improved, I perform both at work and at home and the best of all, I no longer drink. I stopped. This officer has become a role model and colleagues and friends look up to him for guidance. I am indebted to Faraja for the transforming my life and I wish the same for many more officers in the department.”
Another officer remains grateful to God after his encounter with Faraja through performance for change. “This training was a breakthrough for me…. I was depressed to the point that I had become suicidal. In the Prison department I was referred to as “CHIZI” – meaning a mad person. Faraja counselled embraced me, accepted me with my madness and gave me reason to embrace life again. The training empowered me and gave me sense of belonging. The lessons I learnt, made me who I am today. I must say without fear of contradiction that it’s after the training that I got a promotion because I completely changed. Today I am a respected officer, a role model, a trainer and a performer both at my work place and at home. I am invited to several institutions to give motivational talks; this makes me fulfilled and I would recommend anybody for this particular training.”
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